
Popcorn in a Paper Bag!
Today I learned that it is possible to make your own popcorn in a paper bag in the microwave and I now feel totally ripped off by the fact that microwave popcorn with its icky smell and chemically-tasting synthetic butter even exists. Is this something that everyone else but me already knows about? 

If not, here's how to make it:
Put about 1/4 c. popcorn kernels in a lunch-sized paper bag (I bought a little over 1/2 a lb. of organic popcorn in the Wegmans bulk foods section for $1.49). Add a little butter or oil (olive, peanut, etc.). Fold down top of bag and roll shut. Microwave on high for two minutes. Salt (I used Kosher), and eat.

You could also melt butter and pour it on top, but then there's the whole soggy kernel problem. I liked it right out of the bag. It was light and delicious, and had none of that weird microwave popcorn aftertaste! I'm pretty sure I'll never buy microwave bag popcorn again.

Nom, nom, nom


  1. this is actually really useful, thanks! now, how do you add the chemical taste?


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