Omnivore Challenge: Blueberry Pancakes

Blueberry Pancakes
I am inexplicably bad at cooking pancakes. I have tried many different techniques and pans and heat settings and flippers and they never fail to have burned exteriors and goopy interiors. Until today. Oh yes, today I discovered the secret to cooking pancakes and that secret is . . . to have Lovely Carnivorous Boyfriend make them. He's excellent at it! And he flips them in the air and everything! So this morning LCBF made breakfast and I ate it and it was awesome.

He used the recipe for Everyday Pancakes in Bittman's HTCEV (I've linked to a copy of it in the NYT). He used soy milk, included the optional butter and sugar, and stirred 1 1/2 c. fresh organic blueberries into the batter. I had mine with NH maple syrup while LCBF went for Mrs. Butterworth's (I know!). LCBF is a native New Hampshirite, so I forgive him and assume a childhood oversaturated with real maple syrup has bred some kind of familiar contempt for the stuff. Either way, the pancakes were very tasty! 

Update: And now LCBF is out the door to buy bacon . . .
