Week Two: Jan. 21-Jan. 27

Potato and Kale Cakes 
and Seitan

At first I wanted to make these cakes with shredded potatoes using egg as a binder, like latkes, but then I saw this recipe, which is essentially mashed potatoes smooshed together with wilted kale and pan-fried.  I served them with sour cream, like latkes, and they were good, but probably not worth the effort.  Having the mashed potatoes and kale separately would have been just as tasty.  And I still want latkes.  The seitan is Westsoy brand.  I keep meaning to make my own--a box of vital wheat gluten has been staring glumly at me from the cupboard for a very long time--but I can't seem to get around to it.

Rest of the week after the jump . . .

Spinach Nut Loaf 
and Brussels Sprouts with Parmesan

Ah, Spinach Nut Loaf, a church potluck staple.  I don't make this very often because, really, how often does one have a hankering for faux meatloaf?  Or any non-bread loaf for that matter?  But a hankering I had, so I made this comfort food by combining rice, bread crumbs, eggs, cheddar, spinach, mushrooms, and walnuts.  Seasoning?  Salt, pepper, soy sauce, and dijon mustard.  I combined a couple of recipes from Bonnie Mandoe's Vegetarian Nights: Fresh From Hawaii (Celestial Arts, 1994), purchased from a used bookstore when I was living in Hawaii.  Mandoe suggests serving this to "friends or relatives who believe they can't make it through the day without their ration of meat."  I'd have to disagree with that.  Save it for veggie potluck--no carnivore is going to be converted by rice casserole. Trust.

On the second night I had the loaf, I paired it with roasted brussels sprouts and parmesan, which is my favorite--dare I say, the only--sprout preparation.  I like 'em almost burnt.

Spinach Quiche Served with Greens

Quiche is great.  Who doesn't like a frittata in a crust?  Alas, my crust could've been more tender--I didn't adequately moisture-proof my flour.  I also found myself wishing I had made a broccoli quiche instead, but it was satisfying overall and very good the next day.

Not Pictured:
Braised Kale and Cannellini Beans with Walnuts and Tomato
I love braised kale cooked down in vegetable broth, finished with a splash of apple cider vinegar or lemon, walnuts, and tomato, and topped with feta. Adding white beans for protein makes it a filling meal.  It's also vegan. 

Seitan and Broccoli Cashew Stir-Fry with Rice
This was my easy dish this week, made when I was feeling a little under the weather.  Sadly, "under the weather" = underdone rice and overdone broccoli. Eh, it happens. Vegan dish.
